the northern lights
beautiful lights
[in Alaska]
Maldives (An Island)
pristine blue water
Global Warming at Maldives
Some islands, such as the Maldives, Tovalu and some coastal cities will not be able to survive rising seas no matter what protections are put in place, said Saleemul Huq, a senior fellow at IIED who runs an adaptation center in Bangladesh
Rising sea levels at Maldives
As Maldives is among the countries most vulnerable to rising sea levels caused by the global warming, President Mohamed Nasheed has declared the tourists' paradise endowed with a chain of 1192 coral and white sand islands as a front line State in the battle against climate change.
Nigeria Falls
Even though our efforts might not save the Maldives, let us continue to give our efforts and try to save the rest of our planet Earth.
Information from:
Pictures from: Google
by amelia ^u^